Singing Guide: Mark Bishop

Singing Guide: Mark Bishop

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Understanding Mark Bishop's Vocal Technique

Mark Bishop is an accomplished southern gospel singer who has released multiple albums and was inducted into the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame. Learning to sing like Mark Bishop requires an understanding of his unique vocal techniques and a lot of practice. In this article, we will explore some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources that can help you learn to sing like Mark Bishop.

Techniques Required to Sing Like Mark Bishop

  1. Clear Tone - Mark Bishop's vocals are clear and distinct. To develop this, practice singing with good resonation and avoiding nasality. Check out the article on resonance in singing for tips on achieving clear tone.
  2. Chest Voice - Mark Bishop primarily sings in chest voice, which gives his voice that powerful and rich sound. Learn more about chest voice in the article on chest voice explained.
  3. Breath Control - Mark Bishop's vocals are characterized by excellent breath control. Develop your breath support with the help of breathing basics, breath support, and sustain vocal exercises.
  4. Vibrato - Mark Bishop uses vibrato to add emotion to his singing. Practice using vibrato with the help of videos such as Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce.
  5. Twang - Mark Bishop sometimes uses a twang vocal technique for emphasis and pitch clarity. Learn how to do this with the help of the how to twang exercise video.

Songs to Practice

One of the best ways to learn to sing like Mark Bishop is to practice singing his songs. Here are three songs that showcase his unique vocal technique:

  1. "Can I Pray for You?" - This song is characterized by powerful vocals and harmonies. Focus on your breath control and use good dynamic range to convey emotion.
  2. "He's My All" - This song has a fast-paced, energetic tempo. Practice your pitch accuracy and vibrato to match Mark's performance.
  3. "That's When It's Time to Pray" - This slower ballad lets you showcase your clear tone and use of twang technique.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers excellent tools and resources to help you learn to sing like Mark Bishop. Here are some relevant resources:

  • Vocal Range Test - You can check your vocal range and compare it with famous singers like Mark Bishop.
  • Search for Songs by Vocal Range - Find songs that match your vocal range, genre preference, and difficulty level.
  • Educational Singing Course - If you are a beginner, start with Singing Carrot's 21-lesson singing course to help you build a strong foundation in singing.


Learning to sing like Mark Bishop requires practice and careful attention to technique. Focus on developing clear tone, good breath control, powerful chest voice, vibrato, and twang to match his vocal style. Sing his songs often and use Singing Carrot's resources to support your learning. With patience and dedication, you can develop your own unique singing voice that channels Mark Bishop's style and spirit.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.